It can be challenging to know how to get permanent marker off walls. Fortunately, there are ways to thoroughly clean them without damaging your walls. How to Remove Permanent Marker from Walls This article will teach you how to remove permanent markers from walls.
Numerous of these techniques require the use of common materials, which means you won’t have to go out of your way to acquire them. Continue reading to learn more about them.
How To Get Permanent Marker Off Wall

Methods On How To Remove A Permanent Marker From A Wall
We’ll discuss the most effective methods for removing stains like permanent marker ink in this section.
Method 1: Using Alcohol
The use of rubbing alcohol to remove permanent marker stains is a common and effective method. Isopropyl alcohol is a highly effective and fast-acting stain remover. To use this method to clean your walls, follow the steps below.
- Preparing the alcohol solution: Keep your isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle to facilitate access and use.
- Next, soak a cotton swab in the alcohol solution. Before using, ensure that it is completely soaked.
- Cleaning the walls: Dab the stains on the walls with a cotton swab. Circulate it in a circular motion until the marker begins to fade. It may take some time for the swab to turn black, so continue using it until it does.
- Replacing the cotton swab: If the cotton swab has become discolored, it is time to replace it. Replace the old swab. Before using it on the walls, thoroughly soak it in alcohol.
Alternatively, you can clean the walls with a cotton brush. This is an excellent tool to have if you need to remove a large number of markings. Following that, prepare a clean cotton brush and proceed as follows:
Spray Alcohol On The Markings:
Spray the wall markings with ‘Rubbing or isopropyl alcohol’ from the container. This helps break down the stains and makes them easier to remove. It is most frequently used to clean plastic surfaces of marker stains.
Begin by using a cotton swab to wipe the walls. To remove the stains, use a back-and-forth motion on the sprayed area.
Before continuing, clean the brush thoroughly after scrubbing for a while. Continue cleaning the wall in this manner until the entire surface is clean.
Method 2: Toothpaste With Lemon Juice

While it may seem strange, toothpaste and lemon juice can be used to remove permanent markers from a wall. When used in conjunction, they are capable of removing even the most stubborn stains. For this, it is recommended that you use white toothpaste rather than gel toothpaste.
To use this method, follow the steps below:
- To begin, a solution must be prepared. Begin by filling a small bowl halfway with warm water. Add a smidgeon of white toothpaste to the water at this point.
- Add the lemon juice to the mixture at this point. In most cases, one lemon will suffice; however, ensure that it is squeezed properly.
- After adding the lemon juice, combine the two with a spoon. Assemble them properly until the solution is ready (the toothpaste should have properly dissolved).
- Following that, the wall should be cleaned with the cleaning solution. Use an old toothbrush or a cotton swab to accomplish this. Soak the toothbrush head or swab in the solution in either case.
- Scrub the walls clean with a toothbrush. Due to the less effective nature of this method compared to the previous one, you may need to soak the brush several times and scrub vigorously.
- After scrubbing for a while, it’s a good idea to thoroughly wash the toothbrush in warm water. This enhanced cleaning by removing any residue from the cleaning solution and any stains that remained on the bristles.
Additional Techniques For Removing Marker Stains
Using Nail Polish Remover

Nail polish removers are one of the most accessible stain removal products. It contains either acetone or alcohol, both of which are capable of removing stains. On the other hand, nail polish removers are more effective at removing stains from cloth than they are at removing stains from walls. To use it, simply follow these steps:
- Remove nail polish with a washcloth or a cleaning cloth.
- After that, soak the cloth in nail polish remover. Caution: Do not overdo it.
- Gently dab the stained area with the cloth and the remover. It is critical not to rub it, as this will cause it to spread and create an even bigger mess. The stain remover will gradually dissolve the stains.
Utilizing Vinegar And Baking Soda
Baking soda is another useful household item for removing permanent markers from walls. Baking soda is widely regarded as a useful cleaning agent due to its ability to remove tough stains. Baking soda and water can be combined to create a cleaning solution, or they can be sprinkled on walls and scrubbed.
To create a usable cleaning solution, follow the steps below:
- To begin, half-fill a clean bowl with warm water. Warm water assists in stain removal and facilitates mixing.
- Add 1 teaspoon baking soda to the bowl and whisk vigorously until completely dissolved.
- Soak a brush in the solution and scrub the staining area with it.
- Rinse the brush with warm water after cleaning to remove any baking soda residue.
Is It Possible To Remove The Marker From The Wall With A Magic Eraser?
Yes! A Magic Eraser is frequently used to remove markers from nonporous surfaces. When sufficient pressure is applied, micro-scrubbers are extremely effective at removing stains. Before using Magic Eraser, it is recommended that you read any special instructions included with it.
In general, you should use it as follows:
- Warm some water in a bowl and use a clean towel or cloth to gently apply it to the stained area.
- Apply gentle pressure to the Magic Eraser when it comes into contact with the wall. Then begin back and forth scrubbing. The stains will fade over time.
- If the stain is particularly stubborn, soak the Magic Eraser in warm water for a few minutes before scrubbing again.
- Following cleaning, wipe the area gently with a clean, damp cloth or towel.
How Can I Clean Walls Effectively Without Ruining The Paint?
One of the most frequent fears associated with wall cleaning is that your lovely paint job will be damaged. This is especially true when using abrasive cleaners. The most frequently used tools are stiff-bristled brushes and Magic Erasers.
While they are effective at what they do, they can be detrimental to your paint.
Dish soap is recommended for cleaning white walls without damaging the paint. While dish soap is not strong enough to damage paint, it does an excellent job of cleaning your walls. The procedure is as follows:
3/4 of a bucket should be filled with warm water.
Pour some dishwashing detergent into a bucket of water and stir vigorously until the detergent is completely dissolved.
In the bucket, soak a sponge. Scrub the walls with it. Due to the non-abrasive nature of sponges, they can be used to clean your walls without causing damage.
While cleaning, wring the sponge to remove any excess water.
Final Thoughts
Permanent markers are a pain to remove from walls, but there are ways to do it without too much hassle. All you need is some good old elbow grease and the proper cleaning solution. The methods discussed in this article should help you get most, if not all, of the stains out. Just remember to be patient while scrubbing and avoid using any abrasive cleaners.
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